Social Services

Social Services

We can assist and represent you in matters concerning your children when Social Services have become involved with the family.


If the Local Authority has sent you out a letter indicating that they are so concerned about the welfare of children and that they are considering going to court, then this will be an invitation to a pre-proceedings meeting.

You are automatically entitled as a parent to Legal Aid and a Solicitor to advise you and accompany you to the pre-proceedings meeting. 

Care proceedings

If the Local Authority issues court proceedings for care orders relating to your children, then if you are a parent, you are automatically entitled to Legal Aid for representation.

Care proceedings can be complex and demanding and it is very important that you have the right legal representation from the outset.

Contact with Children in Care

Sometimes, other issues might arise after care proceeding have been finished such as a disagreement as to what contact you have with the children if they are not accommodated with you.   Legal Aid is again available, but it is not automatic, and you have to apply for it with details of what your position is and what your financial situation is.   Again, that is something with which we can assist.

Paul Hunt is an accredited member of the Law Society Children’s Panel

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